POSTED BY on 9:26 PM under
Here's something I stumbled upon whilst scouring the interwebs on your behalf (source here). It's by an Orthodox metropolitan (who was apparently speaking at a Lutheran community -- how's that for ecumenical?!?). The meat-and-potatoes:

On November 5, 2010, His beatitude Metropolitan Jonah traveled to Grace Lutheran Church, in Tulsa Oklahoma, where he had been invited to speak on Orthodox Christian Spirituality. His talk, entitled "Do not react, do not resent, keep inner stillness" is now available for online distribution. Please enjoy both the video and audio only versions on his wonderful speech.

Do not react, do not resent, keep inner stillness from Andrew Johnson on Vimeo.

Audio Only -->

Click here to download "Do not react, do not resent, keep inner stillness".

1 comments so far:
    Darren January 21, 2011 at 4:38 PM , said...

    This is a fantastic presentation of the essentials of the eastern Christian spiritual tradition. Many thanks for directing me to the talk -- I've been ruminating on it to much benefit for several days.


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